Saturday, February 7, 2009

28 Weeks

This picture should resolve any wonder as to why a pregnant woman of 28 weeks and beyond has aches and pains. When I say, "It feels like the baby is on my spinal cord," it's because she is! And when I say, "It feels like I'm squishing the baby after eating that meal," it is due to the lack of room for stomach expansion now. Literally, the baby does not feel a difference space-wise, but my body sure does. Lastly, take note of the time this blog was written. Yes, a large baby inside your body makes sleep slightly more difficult... the baby is the length of a churro now, you know! Mmmm... hot churro.... I think I want to eat one now!

1 comment:

shareshare said...

Mmmm. Churros. Silly bebe, getting a little too relaxed sitting on that spinal chord! I love seeing that the baby is growing more and more. Can't wait for the shower :-)