Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sleepless in SD

Pregnancy makes me T I R E D. I have less than half the energy I used to have. I know that my energy will return one day- so I'm not worried about it. Anyway, you'd think that since I'm tired so often and I never have time for a nap during the week, that I'd sleep REALLY well at night... right? Wrong! I wake up 2-3 times a night and STAY awake for hours. Or there are days like today where I woke up at 4:30 AM and never went back to sleep. I am going to be exhausted at work today.

1 comment:

Cambria said...

I really hate to break it to you but it does not get that much better. I think it is just to prepare you for the sleep deprivation that comes with parenthood. Don't worry though it is totally worth it ;)